Deal Verification

Citizen Verification:

  • In the Theopetra Network State, citizens, as the owners of the real estate, have the most incentive to ensure the integrity and accuracy of real estate transactions.

  • The citizens's role an additional verification layer is simple, yet crucial. The citizen can verify the accuracy and completeness of the data presented in transaction packets. They are not involved in making key decisions about where to buy or the specifics of the transactions. That is already done through the preset property underwriting guidelines.

  • This process is designed to ensure that all information pertaining to real estate transactions adheres to the highest standards of accuracy and transparency. It is a check-and-balance measure rather than a decision-making authority.

  • Theopetra Network State does not establish a General Partner (GP)/Limited Partner (LP) relationship with its stakeholders or token holders in this context. The purpose of the citizens's involvement is solely to confirm the veracity of the information provided.

Opening Escrow Approval Process:

  • The underwriter submits the escrow opening packet on IPFS and the optimistic oracle for citizen verification.

  • The deposit amount and agent wallet address are identified in the opening packet, and confirmed with the underwriter’s signature.

  • If not flagged for inaccuracies within the 48 hour challenge period, the transaction is automatically approved.

  • Upon approval, funds are approved for withdrawal to the agent’s wallet.

Closing Escrow Approval Process:

  • The underwriter signs and submits the escrow closing packet on IPFS and the optimistic oracle for citizen verification.

  • A 5-day challenge period is provided for the citizen to review the packet.

  • Following approval, funds are approved for withdrawal to the agent’s wallet.

In summary, Theopetra's citizen verification process plays a pivotal role in ensuring the accuracy and integrity of data within real estate transactions, aligning with its strategic objectives for consistency and predictability. This approach to verification sets the stage for Theopetra's Property Management Framework.

Last updated